Alec Zimmer, horn, joined the Bay Colony Brass in 2005. Originally from Danville, PA, he began his private horn studies with C. Scott Smith at Susquehanna University and later studied with the late Rick Martin. While earning is BS in Engineering at Swarthmore College, he studied with Michael Johns, a member of the Pennsylvania Ballet and Opera Company of Philadelphia horn sections. After a brief stint at Stanford University for graduate school, Alec moved to the Boston area. In addition to the Bay Colony Brass, Alec has performed with Mercury Orchestra, the Newton Symphony Orchestra, the New Philharmonia Orchestra, Lowell House Opera, Civic Symphony of Boston, the Longwood Symphony Orchestra, the Cambridge Symphony Orchestra, the UMass Boston Chamber Orchestra, and the Charles River Wind Ensemble. For many years, Alec participated in the Kendall Betts Horn Camp in New Hampshire. Alec is a registered professional engineer and works as a structural engineer with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger in Waltham. He lives with his family in Newton.
Alec Zimmer
French Horn